Monday 3 October 2016

Week 2 (Part 3) - The Application Process

After sending my CV and application off to Resolution Television and Eastcoast Pictures, Julia Thompson of Eastcoast Pictures has already got back in touch with me with a date for an interview. It will be for September 26th, and fingers crossed everything will go well. As I mentioned before, I really did like the thought of working with Eastcoast Pictures after researching them and after hearing everything everyone had to say about them.

I will wear smart casual dress and be sure to be aware of my body language throughout the interview as I have a tendency to act too relaxed in these kind of formal situations, for example leaning back in my chair too much. I want to give the impression that I am very keen to work with Julia Thompson at Eastcoast and will put in a good shift for them.

Here is a copy of the cover email I sent to Julia:

Good day Julia!
My name is Alex McColgan, I'm a student at the University Centre Grimsby. I'm currently studying BA Digital Film and TV, and as part of the course I need to do an eight week work placement.
Looking through and researching local media businesses, I must say as was most impressed with Eastcoast Pictures. I see that you have good connections with the industry and have also established a good client base in the local area. I also see that you do work in social media and online content - something that I particularly want to go into as a possible career. During my spare time at the moment, I run a space documentary YouTube channel which has amassed 7,000 subscribers in about 2 years. It is something I very much enjoy doing!
If possible, I would like to apply to work for you. I have attached my CV and would love to have the opportunity to have a face to face interview. I'm also in the same class as Andy Ward, who has had only good things to say about you and the company and has made me really excited to apply. If there are any spaces available, I would really appreciate an opportunity to prove myself to you.
Kind Regards,
Alex McColgan

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