CV and Reference

My current and up-to-date CV. Click to enlarge.

Upon the completion of the work placement, I asked Julia Thompson for a summary of my time at East Coast Pictures:

Alex has grown in confidence and technical and research ability, working as part of the team at East Coast Pictures.  Filming high profile guest speakers at a live business event including Richard Askam (Coca Cola) and Kevin Byrne (Founder, Checkatrade) as well as numerous entrepreneurs and business people, Alex was calm and spoke well with contributors, helping them to feel at ease infront of the camera and working well with the Producer.  Alex worked as part of the team on several large shoots, carrying and using equipment including camera, tripod, working individually and as part of a multi-cam shoot working in front of a live audiences of over 800 on 2 separate shoots. Regarding development Alex has purified his original proposal and thought through the viewer engagement as well as commissioner needs for his proposal, creating a well written pitch for broadcasters. Alex has arrived promptly for duties, and has been polite and enthusiastic.  I believe Alex has the potential to do well in the television broadcast industry.  He would benefit from greater practical experience and I look forward to having him on the team more in the future.

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